Think Through Math Wins 2015 BESSIE Award for “Best Online Math Learning System”
Pittsburgh, Penn (PRWEB) April 28, 2015 -- Think Through Learning, creators of Think Through Math, a web-based math instructional system for grades 3 and above, has been named a winner in the 21st Annual Best Educational Software Awards (BESSIE). Think Through Math won “Best Online Math Learning System” across multiple grades.
“We are proud to recognized by the BESSIE Awards for the work that we are doing to make Think Through Math a true partner in the classroom,” said Kevin McAliley, CEO, Think Through Learning. “Our integrated math instructional system ensures that teachers are better able to teach deep conceptual understanding, while students are motivated and challenged by math and parents can play a meaningful role in providing access and support to Think Through Math.”
Presented by The ComputED Gazette, the BESSIE Awards target innovative and content-rich programs that provide parents and teachers with the technology to foster educational excellence. Winners were selected from programs submitted by publishers worldwide.
As the industry’s most respected and fastest growing supplemental math curriculum, Think Through Math provides engaging and rigorous adaptive lessons for grades 3 and above built upon both state-specific and Common Core standards. The program’s adaptive lessons are supported by the unique functionality of on-line math teachers to assist struggling students. The system’s multi-tiered motivation increases engagement, builds self-esteem and fosters deep conceptual understanding for sustainable improvements in outcomes. Think Through Math has received numerous awards since its introduction.
About Think Through Learning & Think Through Math
Think Through Learning is a company of passionate and committed U.S. math teachers, software engineers and educational innovators whose mission is to help kids learn how to think mathematically. At Think Through Learning, we know that success in mathematics transforms how students perform in school and beyond. Our vision of effective education: a motivating blend of adaptive instruction on higher order thinking skills and on-demand online “instant 1:1 interventions” from LIVE, state-certified U.S. math teachers wherever a student is – school, home or elsewhere - at the precise moment that they need assistance. In 2015, students on Think Through Math will do approximately one billion complex math problems and receive millions of live personalized “just-in-time teaching” sessions. The 2014 and 2012 recipient of the SIIA CODiE Award for Best Mathematics Instructional Solution, Think Through Math is recognized as the industry’s most respected and fastest-growing supplemental math curriculum. Since its launch in 2012, Think Through Math has become a critical part of the RTI, STEM, and 1:1 strategies of thousands of districts and schools across the country, including several state departments of education and some of the largest districts in the United States.
Allison Duquette, Think Through Learning,, +1 443-386-7812, [email protected]
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