Tips On Trips And Camps Explains Why Parents Should Research Summer Camps In Fall Over The Spring
Baltimore, Maryland (PRWEB) September 11, 2015 -- “Often times, parents come to me too late in the season to find the perfect summer experience for their child,” says Eve Eifler, co-owner of Tips on Trips and Camps, Inc. “In many cases, the only session in which their child can participate – nestled between baseball season, the family vacation and school starting - is already filled up.”
Eifler says that the best way to avoid this situation is to plan summer early. Done right, the process of finding the right camp can take an entire year’s worth of research, but the reward is great. Eifler says, “when your neighbors are stressing out about what their child will be doing next summer, you will be sitting pretty with your child already enrolled!”
Eifler says you can even plan a visit to see camps in action. She said, “All camps gladly receive guests, if you schedule an appointment. Most camps are located in beautiful areas near state parks or resort areas, so these visits can be fun for the whole family.” You could even plan your family’s vacation at a camp and take advantage of a family weekend. These visits can help your child acclimate to the environment of the camp and make the decision to leave home a lot less scary. And, your first-hand observations of the facilities, the activities or the dining hall routine can help you know if this would be the right place for your child!
Tips on Trips Co-owner Carey Rivers agrees, “Once you have determined which camp suits your child, you can take advantage of early bird discounts. These discounts usually hold the cost of camp down to the previous year’s tuition or take several hundred dollars off the tuition price.”
Some parents might not have the time to research camps on their own. Rivers adds, “With over 11,000 camps in the United States, it is important to come up with a list of questions to guide you. By doing so, you can narrow the possibilities to a manageable few.” Rivers says to do this research, it is helpful to meet with directors, attend a camp fair, and/or enlist the help of a summer program advisor.
Tips on Trips and Camps, Inc. is a FREE service specializing in overnight summer experiences for children ages 7-19. Call 866.222.TIPS or visit our website at . Once you register, a local advisor will follow up with you immediately. Rivers says, “you know your child and we know the camps. Together, we can find the RIGHT match.”
Carey Rivers, Tips On Trips And Camps,, +1 202-337-3451, [email protected]
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