Tips on Trips and Camps Releases 2015-2016 List Of Camp Options
Baltimore, Maryland (PRWEB) December 07, 2015 -- “When parents think about camp, they usually think about a sporty type camp, or one that is all about nature and camping,” says Eve Eifler, owner of Tips on Trips and Camps. Eifler says, “The reality is, with over 11,000 camps in the United States, there are so many different types of camps to consider and definitely a camp out there to fit every kid.”
Tips on Trips co-owner Carey Rivers adds, “Since kids tend to compete all year round in sports, I advise parents to look for a camp that can provide a few of the sports or activities that the child wants, plus some new challenges that the parent might want for their child.” These early camping experiences can provide opportunities to develop lifelong passions like camp craft activities, model rocketry or improvisational comedy.
Summer sports are far different than sports during the school year, with less of an emphasis on winning. A child who can’t make the select baseball or soccer team at home may shine in a camp environment. Eifler agrees, “For the child who might not be the best athlete, it is possible - and important - for them to be able to participate in summer sports in a safe emotional space.”
Some parents might be looking for specialized programming for which they cannot find time during the school year. Rivers explains, “To meet this demand, traditional camps now include activities such as culinary arts, fencing, science, foreign language, horseback, tennis or golf within a traditional camp session.”
Camps are offering many different activities to which kids might not otherwise be exposed in their daily lives. Eifler explains, “Circus Arts has become the ‘new gymnastics’ and so popular that camps are spending thousands (if not millions) of dollars erecting trapeze courses and tight ropes and indoor pavilions dedicated to this ‘high-flying’ activity.” Circus Arts gives kids a safe, “extreme” sport, while giving them impressive new abilities and teaching them an original form of creative or performing arts. Where gymnastics usually only appeals to girls, circus arts appeals to boys as well.
Rivers says, “Parents feel the need to fit in as much as possible during the summer, not unlike the year-round focus to shuttle kids from one after school program to another.” Therefore, specialty camps have sprung up all over the place in offerings such as rock music, creative writing, aviation, sports broadcasting, skateboarding or robotics. And, they can do all of this without a parent driving them from place to place.
For parents who feel that 3 months is way too long to go without some academic enrichment, there are programs where kids can live on a boarding school or college campus, eat in a dining hall, take classes of special interest, participate in recreational activities and take part in organized field trips. Eifler explains, “The type of academics the kids are exposed to in an enrichment program is far different from the rigor of the school year: how often does an AP track kid get to take a workshop in Lego engineering or the Science of Superheroes? And, isn’t it nice for the kid who struggles during the school year to get turned on to model UN at a summer enrichment program?”
Summer programming for ages 10-13 used to be strictly limited to camp or summer school; but, in the last decade, options traditionally reserved for high schoolers have become available to tweens. Eifler says, “Your tween can participate in a community service experience or an adventure trip.”
Rivers concludes, “Summer can be the perfect opportunity for a child to try something new, something that will spark a passion and create an interest for life. Be creative because time flies with amazing speed and, before you know it, it is time to decide on a college and a major track of study. Use adolescence to expose your child to as many new interests as possible and use summer programs as the conduit to help in this endeavor.”
Tips on Trips and Camps, Inc. is a FREE service specializing in overnight summer experiences for children ages 7-19. Call 866.222.TIPS or visit our website at . Once you register, a local advisor will follow up with you immediately. Eifler adds, “you know your child and we know the camps. Together, we can find the RIGHT match.”
Carey Rivers, Tips On Trips And Camps,, +1 202-337-3451, [email protected]
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