Today, BURKE Announced, "Sharing Pills Can Kill" Campaign is Getting National Attention
Charlotte, NC (PRWEB) April 29, 2014 -- BURKE’s Sharing Pills Can Kill campaign for Carolinas Poison Center is raising national awareness for the growing problem, teenage prescription pill sharing.
Launched in June of 2013, the 30-second Public Service Announcement (PSA) shows the reality of teen prescription drug abuse. Since the campaign’s inception, schools and educational facilities around the country have commandeered the microsite in addition to the print, digital, and television ads. "Sharing Pills Can Kill" gives parents and educators a unique opportunity to share the dangers of prescription drug abuse with teens.
"It has been an honor to be a part of Carolinas Poison Center’s efforts, creatively and as the father to two amazing children. We are so proud that our work could make a difference in our community and in our country,” said Jack Burke, President and Chief Creative Officer of BURKE.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported that poisoning deaths from misuse of prescription pain pills among 15-19 year-olds have nearly doubled in the last 10 years. Pain relievers, antidepressants, and stimulants rank as one of the fastest growing causes of death among teens. Sharing and misuse of prescriptions drugs can be fatal at any age, but teenagers find themselves more vulnerable and susceptible to pressure.
“Nearly twice as many adolescents are dying from poisonings than a decade ago, and many of these deaths are related to prescription drugs. We are hoping to make teens and their families aware of the dangers of prescription pill sharing and take preventative measures to stop this trend,” said Rebecca Rembert, Assistant Director of Outreach and Development for Carolinas Poison Center.
The ad may be viewed online on BURKE’s Vimeo site. It is one part of a multi-faceted campaign that also includes a microsite, print and digital ads, and informational posters.
For more information about the Sharing Pills Can Kill campaign, visit
Elaine Petitgout, Burke Communications, +1 (704) 377-2600 Ext: 136, [email protected]
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