Today, NoBullying launches the #EnoughIsEnough Campaign and Teens Respond by Sharing Bullying Stories
London, UK (PRWEB) January 22, 2015 -- NoBullying launched the #EnoughIsEnough and #NoBullying campaign on Twitter, Youtube and Facebook on Jaunary 22nd, 2015, to help teens suffering from bullying and cyberbullying in telling their stories and getting help in a safe sharing environment and the response was astounding.
The campaign, using the hashtags #EnoughIsEnough and #NoBullying, aims to encourage teens and children to talk about their bullying stories and how they survived or couldn’t survive the waves of hate and bullying.
NoBullying also teamed up with one of the United Kingdom’s most influential teen youtube personalities, Jamie Cottrell (AKA Chip) who spoke in an extensive video about his and his friend’s bullying experiences and what they made out of it and asked other teens worldwide to share their bullying stories via the hashtags #NoBullying and #EnoughIsEnough .
Teens from all over the world used the hastags to post Youtube Videos and Tweets with their bullying experiences, questions and advice to other troubled teens going through the same ordeals.
One of the most fascinating and heartbreaking stories shared via #NoBullying and #EnoughIsEnough is the story of Drew, who had to change class and then change school to overcome bullying. At first she felt the need to change whom she was to get the approval of the bullies who claimed they were her friends. Once she understood that these are not the kind of people she wants around her, she gave up trying to please.
Another story came from Courtney, who shares, via her Youtube video, her experience with autism and the constant verbal (and at times physical) bullying. Courtney sought the help of her teachers and was offered none. Other children at school called her names, taunted her, and one even broke her glasses.
NoBullying feels this campaign serves a very important purpose which is basically creating a hate-free and safe space for teens to share their stories about bullying and cyber bullying and learn tips on how to stand up for themselves and report bullying to adults. NoBullying asserts the fact that a vast amount of bullying incidents can easily be dealt with if the victim feels safe enough to report the incident and talk about his/her feelings openly.
Ciaran Connolly, Co Founder of NoBullying says “With bullying and cyber bullying being our biggest fight, we, at NoBullying are always encouraged to continue fighting when we receive videos and words from bullied teens trying to stand up for themselves. This campaign has strengthened our battle against bullying.”
He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of neglecting the importance of reporting and standing up to bullying, cyberbullying and harassment. According to Connolly, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of bullying and harassment. features many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about law making concerning curbing Bullying worldwide as well as inspirational Bullying Poems and famous Bullying Quotes.
The website regularly updates its bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the bullying epidemic is. It also regularly runs cyber bullying surveys and questionnaires to get recent updated statistics on everything related to cyberbullying.
He also added that anyone suffering from bullying in any form or way can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website – but if anyone is suffering from severe bullying or cyber bullying, the best thing is to talk to someone locally – a parent, teacher or local organization that has been set up to help with specialized councilors to deal with this topic.
Ciaran Connolly, Treze Ltd,, 0044-289-581-0610, [email protected]
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