Town of Cedaredge Purchases a New Community LED Sign for Important Notices from ADvantage LED Signs
Cedaredge, CO (PRWEB) October 28, 2013 -- ADvantage LED Signs Representative Richard James announced the completion of another digital display installation in Cedaredge, Colorado. The Town of Cedaredge purchased a 3'-7 5/16" x 7'-9 11/16" 16mm iPixel Full Color 64x144 iMatrix Double Face Display sign which will be used for reaching members of the community with important announcements and events, increasing traffic and adding exposure for their community. The LED sign displays special events, important community notifications, as well as public announcements to the community of Cedaredge.
Public Works Director and sign programmer, David Smith, said, "When I first turned on the sign, I was very impressed with the display." After his software training for the sign provided by ADvantage LED Signs staff, Smith was very eager to get started creating messages for their display. He was also appreciative of all the resources and free content assistance he received from ADvantage LED Signs. He continued, mentioning that members of the community planned to enhance the sign by planting flowers and building a stone footer around the base.
Richard James stated, “Public buildings often have multiple announcements to be made public and few venues with which to make them. A Community LED Sign solves this problem by providing a free, eye catching and reliable means of disseminating information for the community."
He continued to say, "The government sector needs to be able to keep its residents informed and up-to-date on important information. What better way to achieve this than with a simple to use LED display in front of your government building, park or community gateway.”
“Digital LED signs allow you to remind residents of the area of important dates, deadlines and events. It's now easier than ever to display community events, activities, and resources. Many people never read the inserts sent out in their bills or the newsletters. Still others don't have access to your website. With the digital signs, your word gets out to everyone who passes by."
James continued, explaining the benefits of a digital LED sign for communities, "Communities all across the country are using these signs to display public service announcements. With LED display signs, community centers and government buildings can release notifications of important events, special advisories, cancellations, and holidays when the offices will be closed. Additionally, instant amber alerts and other critical announcements are able to be instantly displayed on signs in real time by any of the employees with ease. With these signs, you can supply the public with valuable information and respond to the demand for public access. When volunteer opportunities come available, you can post openings on the signs for instant results and interact with voters with real-time messages. The possibilities are endless."
About ADvantage LED Signs:
Established in 2009, ADvantage LED Signs is a US manufacturer of LED signs and LED Billboards, selling direct to businesses and organizations nationwide. ADvantage LED Signs operates as a total turn-key solution provider, stating that no job is too big or too small.
Richard James, ADvantage LED Signs,, 877-328-6555, [email protected]
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