TTPM Announces Annual Best of Baby Award Winners
New York, NY (PRWEB) June 22, 2017 -- TTPM has announced the winners of its 2017 Best of Baby Awards. The awards program celebrates outstanding design, utility, and value in products introduced at retail between June 2016 and June 2017. A jury of TTPM editors and baby product and design experts selected winners across 12 baby product categories. More than 500 entries, representing items that nearly all parents use from birth, were carefully evaluated for this year’s Best of Baby Awards.
“Parents and families spend heavily in their babies’ first years—between $12,000 and $20,000—depending on the products according to a variety of studies,” says Bob Glaser, Executive Vice President of TTPM and General Manager of TTPM Baby. “Typically, these purchases are researched more extensively prior to buying than many other household products. TTPM creates comprehensive video reviews of every product to facilitate that research and show the products in detail. Additionally, TTPM is a non-biased, third party, expert source that helps consumers find and purchase the best products for them, particularly in a crowded, and sometimes confusing, market.”
The TTPM Best of Baby Awards are designed to encompass the breadth and diversity of the current juvenile products market and include the following product categories: Activity Gyms, Baby Carriers, Baby Monitors, Baby Feeding, Baby Bath, Bassinets, Bouncers, Car Seats, Diaper Bags, High Chairs, Play Yards/Portable Cribs, and Strollers. The jury selected products based on overall quality, performance, versatility, ease of use and care, convenience, and value.
The 2017 Best of Baby Winners are:
Activity Gyms
Laugh & Learn Puppy 'n Pals Learning Gym - Fisher-Price
Explore & More Baby's View 3-Stage Activity Center - Skip Hop
Baby Carriers
Baby Carrier One - BabyBjorn
High Chairs
SpaceSaver High Chair - Fisher-Price
Pop 'N Sit Portable Booster Seat - Summer Infant
Baby Feeding
The Happy Mat - EZPZ
Disney Baby Mickey Mouse/Minnie Mouse First Feeding Set - Bumkins
Munchie Mug - Munchie Mug
Baby Bath
4moms Infant Tub – 4moms
Comfort Height Baby Bath Tub - Summer Infant
Wave Wooden Rocker - Babyhome
Fairytale Deluxe Bouncer - Fisher-Price
Car Seats
Fit2 2-Year Rear Facing Car Seat - Chicco
Cloud Q Infant Car Seat + Base - Cybex
Pinnacle ClickTight Harness-2-Booster Seat - Britax
Diaper Bags
Glam Rosie Diaper Bag - Lassig
Laura Ashley Baby 4-in-1 Rose Floral Dome Backpack Diaper Bag - Laura Ashley
Play Yards/Portable Cribs
On the Go Baby Dome - Fisher-Price
PeaPod - KidCo
HALO Bassinest Swivel Sleeper - HALO Innovations
Soothing Motions Bassinet - Fisher-Price
3D lite Convenience Stroller - Summer Infant
Bravofor2 - Chicco
Agis M-AIR3/Aton 2 Travel System - Cybex
BOB Revolution Pro - BOB Gear
Baby Monitors
Panorama Digital Color Video Monitor - Summer Infant
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About TTPM
TTPM® is a leading product review site and retail portal for toys, tots, pets and more. With more than 10 million monthly views of its comprehensive video reviews, TTPM is the number one resource for consumers seeking to find and easily buy the best toys, baby gear, pet toys, kids electronics, and sporting goods for their families. The site’s expert team creates more than 5,000 independent reviews annually, each featuring the TTPM Price Check, which lists live price comparisons and one-click purchasing from major retailers.
Heather Krug, Heather Krug PR & Marketing, +1 (310) 463-1415, [email protected]
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