Turf Feeding Systems, a Texas Company, Launched Affordable Golf Program to Bring Golfers Back into the Game
Houston, Texas (PRWEB) July 21, 2015 -- Golf is trouble. Last year in the US 300 golf courses closed their doors, however only three new courses were built. And the trend is continuing.
Many courses were closed to sell their land for real estate development or just because the maintenance costs are too high. The owners of one resort in Las Vegas just turned the water off on one of their two courses to save money.
Affordable public golf is the solution to bring players back to golf. Michael Chaplinsky, the president / founder of Turf Feeding Systems, is passionate about public municipal golf courses. His goal is to raise the quality of public golf courses and create quality affordable golf at public golf courses. He states, “I love municipal public golf courses because they have limited budgets and labor, and have little hope to become a great golf course. However I can improve any course within their budget, make the biggest change and create affordable golf”.
Mr. Chaplinsky believes Sustainable Golf is an economic driver to reduce costs and improve quality. He states, “Sadly, many think sustainability is all about putting bird houses and flowers on the golf course, recycling plastic and composting, but is really about reducing costs and water use”.
Chaplinsky states, “sustainable golf program can reduce water use up to 50%, reduce fertilizer and chemicals 60%, while improving the overall quality. We did it two years ago with Matt Whalen at Cheyenne CC in Wyoming and we can do it on any golf course anywhere”.
Turf Feeding Systems is serious about sustainable golf and is launching three case studies on public golf courses across the US with Boiling Springs Golf Course in Woodward Oklahoma being the first to implement sustainable golf and help Jeff Wagner, the superintendent, create high quality golf on a municipal public golf course.
Jeff Wagner was brought in by the city of Woodward from Colorado where he was a high caliber superintendent on a high end private golf course. Turf Feeding Systems will install a fertigation system this week and help Jeff create the best public golf course in Oklahoma with the lowest water use and lowest cost to operate.
This will create affordable golf for Woodward Oklahoma at the highest level of quality.
Mr. Chaplinsky is working closely with Seth Jones the Editor-in-Chief at Golfdom magazine to monitor this case study as well as help find two other municipal golf courses to include in this case study. Mr. Jones and Golfdom believes in the concept of affordable public golf and will publish the results of these case studies next year in a summary report story.
Mr. Chaplinsky and Mr. Jones are continuing to look for two more municipal golf courses to include in these case studies. Mr. Chaplinsky wants to find one in Ohio and one in New Mexico to balance the regions to study.
Mr. Chaplinsky has a number of projects across the US in golf, sports fields and landscapes as well as with olive growers in Texas. He is an expert in improving poor soils, sand, and sodium issues in the soil.
He is looking for serious partners to implement sustainable agriculture anywhere in the world. Interested parties can contact Chaplinksy and join his e-newsletter by clicking here and completing the form.
Michael Chaplinsky – President / Founder Turf Feeding Systems
Turf Feeding Systems - Houston Texas – USA - The world leader in packaged fertigation systems (fertilizer injection into irrigation) for golf, sports fields, landscapes, resorts and agriculture.
Mr. Chaplinsky has worked for over 28 years implementing water efficiency and sustainability into all types of irrigated projects around the world. He speaks at many conferences and lectures on sustainable soils, landscapes, golf and agriculture.
Mr. Chaplinsky has worked with the top scientists and engineers on project that include construction, revegitation, bio-remdiation and beach erosion. He brings technologies and practices together to promote plant and soil health, and create the values and benefits of sustainability.
Michael Chaplinsky, Turf Feeding Systems, http://www.turffeeding.com/, +1 713-849-9040, [email protected]
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