Unified Compliance and (ISC)² Launch UCF Mapper Compliance Mapping Certificate Program
Lafayette, CA (PRWEB) June 27, 2017 -- Unified Compliance is the premier provider of compliance mapping and the creator of the Unified Compliance Framework® (UCF®) and its SaaS front-end, the Common Controls Hub™ (CCH™). The company recently announced the launch of its newest product, the UCF Mapper™, which allows compliance teams to include any publicly available Authority Documents relevant to their organization, but not currently available in the Unified Compliance Framework.
Compliance teams must be certified to use the UCF Mapper. To create the certification program, Unified Compliance partnered with (ISC)², an international nonprofit membership association renowned for their training and certification training programs.
The Compliance Mapping Certificate Program is designed to prepare compliance mappers for the responsibility of mapping multiple Authority Documents correctly and accurately in a way that will satisfy auditors and regulators, while simplifying governance for their organization or clients.
The training includes multimedia presentations, demonstrations, and hands-on experience. (ISC)² hosts the self-paced, seven module online course; Unified Compliance will host practical-application modules. Students may take up to a year to complete the course, and must pass both the online quizzes and the practical-application projects.
First reactions from a select group who have completed the (ISC)² Compliance Mapping Certificate course have been very enthusiastic:
“MetricStream customers love the Unified Compliance Framework,” said Vinaya Sathyanarayana, Director, Product Management at MetricStream, “and now we can use UCF Mapper to add Authority Documents which are absolutely critical to specific customers, but not in demand by many. UCF Mapper allows us to continue to provide our customers with the best GRC solution in the market.”
Gary Deutschendorf, Vice President Global Technology Infrastructure at JPMorgan Chase & Co., said, “The UCF team amazes me with how much passion you have for mapping…I never thought I’d come across a group of professionals like you.”
After successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded the Compliance Mapping Certificate from (ISC)², promoted to Mapper within the UCF, given full access to the UCF Mapper tool, and (ISC)² members will earn 8 CPE (Continuing Professional Education) credits.
For a demonstration of UCF Mapper and an explanation of the (ISC)² Compliance Mapping Certificate Program, listen to the webinar replay here.
About Unified Compliance
Unified Compliance® is the publisher of the world’s largest compliance library, the Unified Compliance Framework® (UCF®). Our scientific approach to overall compliance reduces cost, limits liability, and simplifies the compliance process. The UCF is available via the Common Controls Hub™, a SaaS portal which is also integrated via our API with most popular GRC solutions. Our latest product, UCF Mapper™, allows governance professionals to map regulations into the UCF with the same patented process used by the Unified Compliance mapping team and incorporate their own customized framework into their GRC software products. More information can be found at CommonControlsHub.com, UnifiedCompliance.com, and UCFMapper.com. Follow us on Twitter or Facebook.
About (ISC)²
(ISC)²® is an international nonprofit membership association focused on inspiring a safe and secure cyber world. Best known for the acclaimed Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP®) certification, (ISC)2 offers a portfolio of credentials that are part of a holistic, programmatic approach to security. Our membership, over 123,000 strong, is made up of certified cyber, information, software and infrastructure security professionals who are making a difference and helping to advance the industry. Our vision is supported by our commitment to educate and reach the general public through our charitable foundation, The Center for Cyber Safety and Education™. For more information, visit http://www.isc2.org, follow us on Twitter or connect with us on Facebook.
© 2017 (ISC)² Inc., (ISC)², CISSP, SSCP, CCSP, CAP, CSSLP, HCISPP, CCFP, ISSAP, ISSEP, ISSMP and CBK are registered marks of (ISC)², Inc.
Jody Mack, Levy Online, https://www.unifiedcompliance.com/, (702) 371-3303, [email protected]
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