United Sovereignty Alliance Calls for Citizens Constitutional Referendum Vote
Sioux Falls, South Dakota (PRWEB) April 13, 2015 -- Burton F. Hill, founder of the United Sovereignty Alliance, South Dakota registered non-profit, is determined to unite the American voter under one banner with the goal of bettering the Federal Republic and properly constituting a limited government. The recent actions (USA Today January 30 2015) of Congress and the White House to reduce the pension and benefits of veterans has prompted their call for a referendum vote under the tenth amendment to force government reforms and disrupt the oligarchical establishment of both Democratic and Republican parties.
An estimated 32 million veterans rely on their military pensions and benefits to survive, many from WWII and the Korean War.
Mr. Hill and the United Sovereignty Alliance believe that only a Constitutional solution can solve the current governmental gridlock and give the American voter a more active voice in running the government under which they live and work and, in the case of the US veteran, risk their life to protect. Mr. Hill hearkens back to the words of Abraham Lincoln, recalling that “we the people are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts, not to overthrow the constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the constitution.”
In developing the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, the founding Fathers chose their words carefully when listing the abuses by the King of England. Mr. Hill urges voters to recognize and combat these same abuses seen today within the government's bloated structure. "The political ambitions of many seeking the highest office in the land are based on the oligarchical leadership their party dictates and not what's in the best interest of the people," Hill says.
Specifically, the Declaration of Independence includes "[..] to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or to abolish it..." To achieve that altered government, The http://unitedsovereigntyalliance.org encourages the most powerful voting bloc in the country, the
American Veteran, to stand firm for their rights and benefits whether Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, Independent or other. http://unitedsovereigntyalliance.org
Never before in the history of our Republic has there ever been a greater need for Americans to stand firm in their faith that common sense and civility is the only true path to a limited government that abides by the will of the people it serves.
The 10th amendment states that any powers not expressly given to the federal government within the Constitution are kept for the states and the people. By instituting a constitutional referendum, Hill and the United Sovereignty Alliance aim to have voters pass key legislation at the state level, as is their right, to put new laws in place by way of popular ballot. They believe that lasting change in the government can only begin at the grassroots level and encourage voters to exercise their rights.
About the United Sovereignty Alliance:
The United Sovereignty Alliance is a non-profit organization registered in the state of South Dakota. Our mission is to use the Tenth Amendment, a process that has never been used by the states, let alone the people, to bring about government reform. It is not the intention of the United Sovereignty Alliance to destroy the Constitution but to allow the people to restructure the government by voting on specific constitutional amendments and government reforms.
The United Sovereignty Alliance is the only entity promoting and encouraging a Constitutional Referendum Vote by the sole owners of the Federal government, the American citizen.
Burton Hill, United Sovereignty Alliance, http://UnitedSovereigntyAlliance.org/, 605-940-2491, [email protected]
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