US Drug Watchdog Now Urges All DePuy Pinnacle All Metal Hip Implant Recipients To Call Them For The Name Of A Special Blood Test That Will Determine A Premature Failure
(PRWEB) July 26, 2013 -- The US Drug Watchdog says, "We fear tens of thousands of people who received a DePuy Pinnacle all metal hip implant will never get compensated, if their hip implant prematurely failed, because they were not aware of national litigation involving premature failure issues, or they did not want to go through a hip implant replacement surgery, also called a revision surgery. As a result of this they could miss out on getting what could be several hundred thousand dollars in compensation, if this specific type of hip implant device failed. We think the easiest way to determine if a DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant has failed is with a simple blood test, that has been designed to measure cobalt, and chromium levels in a recipient's blood stream, and we want all recipients to call us so we can provide them with simple instructions for the test." The US Drug Watchdog's DePuy Pinnacle Blood Test Initiative requires a few easy instructions for a recipient of one of these devices, so they encourage a recipient to call them anytime at 866-714-6466. The group also wants to emphasize this is a national initiative, that includes DePuy Pinnacle hip implant recipients in California, Texas, Florida, New York, Massachusetts, Maine, Vermont, Connecticut, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Tennessee, North Carolina, Georgia, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Kansas, New Mexico, Colorado, North Dakota, Minnesota, Montana, Arizona, Utah, Idaho, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, and all other states.
The US Drug Watchdog indicates symptoms of a DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant failure include:
- Pain in the Hip Region
- Problems While Walking or The Inability to Walk
- Swelling of the Hip
- General Discomfort
- Lack of Flexibility
- Elevated levels of cobalt, or chromium in the hip implant recipients blood.
Urgent Note:The US Drug Watchdog says, "The statute of limitations on the recalled DePuy ASR metal on metal hip implant has not yet run out in the following states: Arkansas, Washington D.C., Florida, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Vermont, Washington, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. If you are a recipient of a recalled DePuy ASR, and you have not yet been identified by the court please call us immediately at 866-714-6466, if the procedure was done in one of these states. This hip implant has been recalled-we will help you get signed up so you get compensated." http://USDrugWatchdog.Com
The US Drug Watchdog is the premier medical device, and pharmaceutical watchdog in the United States. The group says, “We want to make certain all DePuy Pinnacle hip implant recipients get a blood test to determine if their hip implant has failed. In the event the blood test indicates elevated levels of cobalt, and chromium we will get the recipient to national caliber law firms that have a superior record in representing their clients in these types of national lawsuits, involving potentially significant financial compensation." For more information about the DePuy Pinnacle metal on metal hip implant, and a critical blood test please contact the US Drug Watchdog anytime at 866-714-6466.
U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas MDL#2244
DePuy ASR Case Number Ohio Southern Federal District Court Case Number MDL # 2197
M Thomas Martin, Americas Watchdog, 866-714-6466, [email protected]
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