Vivid Edge LLC Launches, a Website Devoted to Expert Reviews on Outdoor Gear to Help Active Consumers Make the Best Choices
Tampa, Fla. (PRWEB) January 06, 2017 -- Vivid Edge LLC today announced the launch of Outside Pursuits provides in-depth outdoor gear reviews and ‘how to’ guides for the most popular outdoor activities, from snowboarding and skiing in the winter, to summer (and winter vacation) activities like kayaking and paddle boarding.
Readers of Outside Pursuits will find expert opinions and equipment comparisons from people who have years of real world experience using the gear.
In addition, features expert ‘how to’ guides with tips on the best ways to perform each activity for the specific equipment, along with in-depth research guides for buying the equipment. is designed to help consumers make better outdoor gear choices using the reviews, comparisons and information, before they buy.
“There’s a lot of equipment from many different sources for consumers to sort through,” said Richard Remick, Outside Pursuits Founder. “We cut down the research time for consumers and deliver valuable information in a tidy package for each product so they can quickly home in on exactly what they need.”
Along with reviews and how to guides, Outside Pursuits will soon be offering deals on kayaking, fishing and backpacking tours. For more information visit
About Outside Pursuits
Our objective here at is to provide you with gear reviews to give you the information you need to make an informed decision on what to buy. We also have in depth guides on how to do all of the outside activities on our site so you can enjoy the great outdoors with the best gear. For more information visit
Colin Trethewey, PRmediaNow,, +1 (813) 480-1354, [email protected]
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