Walch Education’s CCSS Integrated Math I, II, III Supplemental Resources Recommended by the Utah Board of Education
Portland, Maine (PRWEB) January 12, 2016 -- Walch Education's Math I, II, and III Problem-Based Tasks, Math I and II Support Supplements, and the Math I, II, III Honors Supplement were recommended by the Utah Board of Education for use in Utah's classrooms.
The Problem-Based Tasks use engaging real-world scenarios to engage students with a problem-based approach to the knowledge and skills required by the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. Optional coaching questions scaffold the tasks and guide students in solving the problems.
The Math I and II Support Supplements address the prerequisite skills necessary for success in Math I and II and recommend instructional strategies to support struggling students. These resources may be used in Support, Special Education or ELL classes, in Math Labs or RTI programs, or for individuals or groups requiring additional support. The Math I Supplement can be used in combination with Walch’s Math I program to provide a two year supportive Math I course for students needing additional time and support to achieve the standards of Math I. According to the Utah reviewers, the Support Supplement “would be a great help and support for teachers with struggling students and would really help with assessment and differentiation.”
CCSS Honors Supplement for High School Math addresses the 37 CCSS (+) standards that will prepare students for advanced math courses may be used in honors or accelerated courses or with individuals and groups of students requiring additional challenge.
“The Problem-Based Tasks, Honors and Support materials can be used alongside any high school math curriculum and provide teachers with additional tools to ensure the success of all math students,” says Jill Rosenblum, Vice President of Education at Walch.
About Walch High School Math
Walch High School Math is a leading developer and publisher of mathematics resources and implementation services for the Integrated and Traditional Pathway High School Math courses. Walch works with districts across the United States, including thousands of teachers and over 50,000 high school students as they transition to the Common Core State Standards. Walch solutions are adapted to fit the expressed needs of each state and district partner so that teachers have everything they need at hand, both in the classroom and to extend and enhance student learning beyond. Walch’s team develops and delivers authentic and affordable products for online, digital, and print applications in whatever configuration is most appropriate for each district partner. For more information, visit walch.com.
Mary Donlan, Walch Integrated Math, http://walch.com/, +1 207-523-2544, [email protected]
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