Washington County Maryland Unemployemnt Rate Follows State Trend
Hagerstown, MD (PRWEB) July 26, 2013 -- The Maryland Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation (DLLR) announced an increase to Washington County’s unemployment rate for June 2013. The announced 8.5 percent unemployment rate is a 0.4 percent increase from the previous month. The increase follows Maryland’s unemployment rate which up-ticked 0.6 percent.
Even with the slight 0.4 percent increase, Washington County’s year-to-date average unemployment rate is at a four-year low of 8.5 percent according to data through June 2013.
Recently, a key economic driver for Washington County received positive news. The Hagerstown Regional Airport (HGR) surpassed the 10,000 enplanements mark for calendar year 2012. The 10,207 passenger boardings at HGR secured a $1 million Federal Aviation Administration entitlement. The funds will help HGR with infrastructure improvements, general upkeep, and safety projects.
Earlier this year the Maryland Aviation Administration (MAA) released a report outlining the significant economic impact HGR has on the County. The report noted that HGR generates over $109.6 million in business revenue and collected over $7.4 million in state and local taxes. The MAA study also revealed that HGR ranked third out of 35 public use airports in the State of Maryland.
Washington County is currently ranked 17th against other Maryland counties in unemployment rates. Maryland’s unemployment rate stands at 7.5 percent, 0.2 percent below the national average of 7.6 percent according to the United States Department of Labor Bureau of Labor statistics.
For more information regarding Washington County workforce and employment data, please contact Washington County Public Relations and Community Affairs at publicaffairs(at)washco-md(dot)net or 240-313-2380.
About Washington County, Maryland Government
Washington County, Maryland Government strives to fulfill its duty to the citizens of Washington County with regard to operational efficiency, fiscal responsibility, and responsiveness to the needs of the community. This vision is used to ably assist the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County in achieving goals for moving the County forward as present needs and future plans are addressed.
According to the Maryland Department of Legislative Services, the Washington County General Fund has one of the lowest costs per capita for services provided of all 23 counties and Baltimore City. This is attributed to the efficiency, staffing levels, and cost containment exhibited in Washington County Government operations. Visit http://www.washco-md.net for more information.
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James Jenkins, Washington County Government, 2403132384, [email protected]
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