Water Environment Research Foundation Increases Research to Further Sustainability
Alexandria, VA (PRWEB) December 16, 2014 -- The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) is expanding its research with three new projects that examine wastewater as a resource. Two of the projects seek to show that materials in wastewater can be commoditized. The third project explores a new method of reducing phosphorus in wastewater.
The University of Nebraska-Lincoln will explore the "Production of Bioisoprene from Wastewater" (WERF project # NTRY6R14). The research team will convert biomass from wastewater treatment facilities into isoprene (used in production of rubber components of automotive tires), as well as renewable biofuel (methane) using an engineered microbe.
Greeley and Hansen is conducting research on "A Multi-Platform Approach to Recovering High Value Carbon Products from Wastestreams" (WERF project # NTRY4R14). This study will develop technological and economic platforms for the conversion of organic carbon compounds to commercially attractive chemicals and commodities. The research team will consider generation of substrates for biodiesel production, precursors to biodegradable plastics, and alternative vehicle fuels from water resource recovery facilities.
Northeastern University will investigate a promising new sidestream enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) process. This pioneering research entitled "Investigate the Mechanism for Optimization and Design of Sidestream EBPR Process as a Sustainable Approach for Achieving Stable and Efficient Phosphorus Removal" (WERF project #U1R13), could help transform our understanding and ability to protect and preserve water resources in a sustainable and cost-effective manner.
The Water Environment Research Foundation, a nonprofit organization formed in 1989, is America's leading independent scientific research organization dedicated to wastewater and stormwater issues.
Carrie Capuco, Water Environment Research Foundation, http://www.werf.org, +1 (571) 384-2097, [email protected]
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