Wayland Porter Addresses the Conundrums of Modern Phenomena
SWEET HOME, Ore. (PRWEB) July 31, 2015 -- In “Philosophic Hermeneutics” author Wayland Porter coins cutting-edge signage for students of philosophy and philosophical hermeneutics. The book features entertaining bon mots that rely on a sanguinely ironic view of modern life and its technologically abstruse verbiage and foibles. Exegesis and hermeneutics may have influenced such a state and may have had a hand in starting such complexity of thought and communication. Porter de-scales the complexity into verbally attractive sound bites–gambits that may hook in modern youth and yeomanry.
Gnomic and aphorist, “Philosophical Hermeneutics” accesses the various riddles, conundrums and contradictions of modern phenomena. Porter has a charmed and witty manner that makes Martin Heidegger’s highly intellectual theory of knowledge easier to digest. Although Porter’s sayings may seem wreathed in intellectual mystery and sometimes hews closer to Lewis Carroll’ s non-sense rhymes, it is the seeming chaos of universal order and the strongest emotions, the philosophical trends of the human herd (a contradiction in terms) which makes them so. Amazing verbal wordplay, they are the keys that may unlock modern philosophy for the young. They will further lead into the rigors of semiotics and the most detailed, philosophically complete exegesis of thought and language known today.
“Philosophic Hermeneutics” is the volume that descends into popular culture and modern society and translates them into the most sanguine, un-complex, yet truly intellectual gambits in the strategic game of human thought and its continuing progress.
Philosophic Hermeneutics * by Wayland Porter
Publication Date: July 31, 2013
Softcover; $15.99; 322 pages; 9781483666006
Hardcover; $22.99; 322 pages; 9781483666013
E-book; $3.99; 9781483666020
About the Author
Wayland Porter was born in Barre, Vermont, and lived in Illinois. He was involved in the business sector for 28 years where he became aware of different economic trends and patterns.
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