What Being Ragged does to a Child’s Personality, NoBullying Explores the Effects of Bullying in Articles Featured Today
London, UK (PRWEB) February 17, 2015 -- Whether online or offline, being bullied continuously can have astounding effects on anyone’s personality and set them up for a different life than anyone could have anticipated. In a series of articles featured this week, NoBullying goes in depth into what happens to a child’s or teen’s personality when they are victims of bullying.
Whether it is bullying, hazing or ragging; which is the prolonged process of making a person subject to a teasing, especially in an intense or prolonged way, the effects on one’s personality are quite life changing to say the least, warns NoBullying.
The fact worth noting is that these types of abuse happen to children in their formative years when they begin to create their own personalities and traits. That means an originally extroverted child might become more prone to being introverted as a result of bullying is not farfetched, explains NoBullying.
Children may tend to be loners by default, preferring their own company to socializing and interacting with others, which is not a fault in itself but can be quite “different” to others in their groups, bringing in teasing and bullying as a direct result of that particular child not fitting in with the “norm”.
If an originally introverted teen is bullied or hazed, they might turn into extroverts simply to execute the same pain they received on other introverted children. Bullying stories from all over the world refer to bullying victims turning into bullies themselves, NoBullying reminds.
The concept of psychological projection is also evident in the psyche of bullied children and teens, children will project their own feelings on others, so if a particular bullied child calls a sibling weak, it is probably his/her own feelings of weakness and inadequacy that are being projected, NoBullying asserts.
Ciaran Connolly, Co Founder of NoBullying says “Being bullied, hazed or ragged is in no means a sign that the world is over. But, parents, caregivers and teachers should be made aware of the personality changes that may happen to bullying victims as they develop into maturity.”
He added that parents and teachers should make a point to educate the younger generations about the sad outcome of neglecting one’s safety online and offline. According to Connolly, it is quite imperative to press for more firm laws condemning all acts of bullying and harassment.
He also adds that parents and children should always be entitled to more communication with school administrators and guidance councilors in order to put a stop to bullying and hazing practices happening inside school on daily basis. Other children in school should also be made aware about the bystander concept and how they should intervene and step up when a bullying incident takes place.
NoBullying.com features many pages dedicated to parents, teens, teachers, health professionals as well as posts related to cyber safety and the latest news about law making concerning curbing Bullying worldwide, including helpline resources, as well as inspirational Bullying Poems and famous Bullying Quotes.
The website regularly updates its bullying statistics and cyber bullying statistics as it is essential to understand how widespread the bullying epidemic is. It also regularly runs cyber bullying surveys and questionnaires to get recent updated statistics on everything related to cyberbullying.
He also added that anyone suffering from bullying in any form or way can always find advice and help on the NoBullying website – and if anyone is suffering from severe consequences of bullying or harassment such as depression or suicidal thoughts, the best thing is to talk to someone locally – a parent, teacher or local organization that has been set up to help with specialized councilors to deal with this topic.
Ciaran Connolly, Treze Ltd, http://www.treze.co.uk, 0044-289-581-0610, [email protected]
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