What Really Happened In The Past?
COLUMBIA, MO (PRWEB) June 22, 2016 -- Have you ever wondered what it was like growing up in the 1960s? Maybe you have actually heard about what happened in the 1960s but are unaware of the false testimonies and myths that you were told. For that reason, author Mark Dahl has dedicated his time to writing his series, “Covenant Betrayed: Revelations of the Sixties, the best of Time, the Worst of Time.”
As a young boy Dahl became infatuated with classics and learning outside of the formal classroom. In high school and all throughout college, Dahl truly grew to love literature and the humanities. It was also in those years that he acknowledged his understanding of the 1960s and what actually happened in those times.
“After five years of research, I began writing and really started doing social and psychological profiles, as well as outlining my books and reading through physical history,” Dahl said.
The 1960s were filled with excitement. The civil rights movement was making extreme gains and the Vietnam War was starting to heat up. Through understanding the older generations and realizing that the domino theory was out of date Dahl started recording the facts.
“I wrote my books for two reasons: to prove that the information in the academic press was convincing that Vietnam would be a disaster, even though we knew the reality was the opposite and second, to accurately record the true nature of this country at this time,” Dahl said.
Many great things happened in the 1960s and the “Covenant Betrayed: Revelations of the Sixties, the best of Time, the Worst of Time” series shows truths, but also shares the growth that has happened throughout the years. Whether you’re a history buff or searching for historical facts, Dahl’s writing will be informative and compelling.
Covenant Betrayed: Revelations of the Sixties, the Best of Time; the Worst of Time
Book One: The Restless Years..The Winds of Change
Book Two: Despair and Dissent
Book Three: Covenant Betrayed
By: Mark Dahl
Available in softcover, hardcover, e-book
Available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble and AuthorHouse
About the author
Mark Dahl, author of the “Covenant Betrayed Revelations of the Sixties, the Best of Time; the Worst of Time” series, graduated from Kansas State University and later attended George Washington Medical School to later become a Pathologist. Dahl currently resides in Missouri and enjoys to write and research.
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For review copies or interview requests, contact:
Katie Wenclewicz
Katie Wenclewicz, Bohlsen Group, +1 (317) 602-7137, [email protected]
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