Where To Find Stubhub Fan Codes
(PRWEB) December 14, 2013 -- Stubhub Fan Codes Reward Program
“Get Rewarded For Being a Fan!” At Stubhub.com, customers that purchase tickets often can sign up on Stubhub’s site to become fan eligible for Stubhub fancodes for 2013 or 2014. StubHub has a rewards program for fans that includes many StubHub fan codes, so customers don’t have to go searching around the web. Ticket Monster provides coupon codes to customers that are free and easy to find. Ticket Monster coupon codes provide additional discounts on its already great prices with no service fees on any tickets
With the StubHub Fan Rewards program, fans are able to receive different discounts on ticket purchases. For those interested, signing up is quick and easy. It is free to join, and all you have to do is visit the website to sign up.
StubHub’s fan program and Ticket Monster's coupon codes are designed to reward customers for being great fans. What can be better than that? Purchase tickets to your favorite concerts or sporting events and get rewarded for it? Sign me up.
What You Get
Ticket Monster fans can earn a either a percentage or flat dollar amount by using a coupon code at checkout. Ticket Monster never charges fans a service fee providing complete transparency to the customer.
This means that StubHub offers rewards on certain tickets only. These rewards turn into credits, which can then be used to save money on your next purchase. This means no more searching for promo codes, when they will be sent right to you. After signing up, fans can earn 2-3% in rewards on eligible tickets.
StubHub coupon codes extend even further, where the best customers get the best rewards. Fans in the program that make 10 or more purchases, or spend $2,000, will qualify as a Superstar member. Superstars will earn 3% in rewards on eligible purchases. Superstars will be exposed to promotions and discounts, complimentary seat upgrades, when applicable, and priority invitations to StubHub events throughout the year.
At Ticket Monster fans automatically get low costs, the best fan value, awesome fan content, and best of all, no service fees! Ticket Monster does not believe in charging customers that use the site, but actually rewarding them.
The Fine Print
As all other deals, there is a fine print that exists. Here are some of the details that fans in the buy StubHub tickets though the rewards program should keep in mind:
1. Fan rewards are different than cash, and fan rewards are not issued in increments smaller than $10.
2. Rewarded Fan Codes expire 6 months after they are rewarded.
3. One free fan code is given when members sign up, but it is given only once and is electronic delivery only.
4. A purchase needs to be made at least once a year in order to for rewards to not expire.
At Ticket Monster, all customers are valued fans. Ticket Monster prices are always among the cheapest sports, concert and theater tickets on the web. Fans who use the site can also enjoy an easy check out system, as well as a fan friendly social media hub. Here fans can interact and engage with other Ticket Monsters. Use Ticket Monster today, and become a valued Ticket Monster, without signing up for any program. Visit http://www.Ticketmonster.com for the best sports, concerts, and theater tickets on the web, or call 866-217-4777 today.
Genna Opatut, Ticket Monster, http://www.ticketmonster.com, 866-217-4777, [email protected]
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