Who's the Bomb? Glitter's the Bomb, and It's Going Viral.
San Diego, California (PRWEB) January 19, 2015 -- A few days ago you might have heard about a novel trend revolving around shipping glitter to your enemies. This phenomenon has been transformed from a silly joke to a reality.
With the new website http://www.shipyourglitter.com glitter has no limits. From pranking one's arch-nemesis, to proving the cliché "it's the thought that counts", glitter has become the new way to translate a unique message to one's friend, enemy, or "fr-enemy."
Founder Derick Downs explains how he started the business: “I was trying to buy a glitter-bomb for my buddy, but couldn't find a website actually fulfilling orders. After hearing about the thousands of other people in the same situation, I did a little research. I sent Matthew Carpenter, founder of Ship Your Enemies Glitter, a message via Linkedin to discuss a possible partnership. We connected, but he didn't seem interested. So I built the platform, created some digital marketing campaigns, and purchased twenty-five pounds of glitter."
On January 15th, Huffington Post said http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2015/01/15/ship-your-enemies-glitter_n_6477810.html "Ship Your Enemies Glitter received over 1.3 million visits and was shared about 300,000 times on Facebook and Twitter within its first 24 hours".
Crazy people love crazy things. This farfetched idea of glitter detonation may be just the right amount of crazy to blast off. With Valentine's Day around the corner and birthdays booming all year, nobody's safe. As Mashable.com mentions on January 14th, http://mashable.com/2015/01/13/send-glitter-to-your-enemies "There is no stopping this glittery monster now!"
Author - Joey Zarate OTBDA
Derick Downs, Ship Your Glitter, http://www.shipyourglitter.com, +1 (858) 692-3306, [email protected]
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