Why is a New Novel as Good as Walt Cody’s “Manhattan Roulette” Being Published by a Small House Instead of a Big One?
(PRWEB) February 15, 2016 -- The publisher's puzzlement is not without cause. Here's what the big guys said about the book:
"Cody has a sharp, dark voice and he's crafted an often brutal but entertaining novel." - Doubleday
"Walt Cody has written a finely executed crime novel. The crime is enticingly outlined. The cops go about their business with acumen and style. And the investigation has self-generating momentum." - Henry Holt
"I was so impressed with this author, his confident voice, and the way he kept me on edge and unsure throughout." - Atria
"He's an awfully good writer. He's very insightful, and the dialogue is both cutting and engaging." - St. Martin's
"Cody's vision of romance and crime in contemporary New York is intriguing, reminiscent of noir classics. I can only imagine what a great director could do with this material." - Harper Collins
“Their loss is our gain,” says Cheshire House Books. “We’re delighted to publish 'Manhattan Roulette.'”
Here’s the story: When sex in the city becomes a deadly game, it's up to the Manhattan Homicide Task Force to deal with the startling serial murders that are panicking the city and pressuring the pols. But Manhattan Roulette, with its pungent insights and razor-sharp, occasionally rollicking, prose, is more than just a riveting detective story: it's a probing exploration of the state of our unions in the post-romantic world. Written in a fresh, direct and cinematic style, Manhattan Roulette takes the popular genre of police detection to a new and bracing level.
"Stunning...kudos for an incredible explosion of language, insight into character, treatment of every cop and perp as dimensional, and a story that leaves no loose ends." - Harvey Jacobs, award-winning author, American Goliath
"A page-turner...Written with style, plotted with precision and peopled by a cast of believable and truly memorable characters." - Robert Masello, best-selling author, The Einstein Prophecy
"Slyly realistic...mordantly funny. A dead-on portrait of The Way We Are Now but with a promise that 'the fundamental things still apply.'" - Linda Stewart, Edgar and Agatha Award-nominated author
About the Author: Walt Cody has been an advertising executive, an occasional journalist, and has written, often pseudonymously, for page and screen (feature, network and cable). He lives in Manhattan with a lady and a cat.
Excerpt, author Q&A, and more at http://manhattanroulette.com.
Watch the video at https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kFQUddS_xdI
MANHATTAN ROULETTE (Cheshire House Books) is available Feb 15, 2016 in Paperback (ISBN: 978-09675073-92) for $19.95 or in Hardcover (ISBN: 987-09675073-78) for $26. It is distributed through Ingram and Baker & Taylor and available at Amazon.com or Barnesandnoble.com as well as at bookstores.
Ellen Green, Author Marketing Ideas, http://www.authormarketingideas.com, +1 (703) 899-8128, [email protected]
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