Wildcat Sanctuary Building Free-Roaming Habitat With the Help of Animal Support Sponsorship
(PRWEB) October 25, 2013 -- Cofounders of the nonprofit organization Animal Support – Omidi brothers and Maria Abaca -- are sponsoring The Wildcat Sanctuary in its efforts to build a free-roaming habitat in their new Feline Meadows area of the sanctuary.
“The Wildcat Sanctuary is a phenomenal organization that puts the safety, comfort and happiness of the cats before everything else,” says Julian Omidi, cofounder of Animal Support. “Their facilities are already spectacular, and we want to help build the next open space habitat for a rescued wild cat. We are proud to help this organization in any way we can as we believe that the work they do is important.”
The Wildcat Sanctuary (http://www.wildcatsanctuary.org) is a rescue sanctuary that keeps and cares for wild cats that have either been seized by government wildlife officials or voluntarily surrendered by former owners. More than 100 cats are currently housed by the sanctuary. The new construction of Feline Meadows will provide free-roaming habitats for bobcats and other small wild cats. It also will have a central temperature-controlled building where animals can escape the elements.
The Wildcat Sanctuary is a 501c3 non-profit, rescue facility located in Sandstone, Minnesota with facilities that include a large outdoor habitat that allows the cats to roam freely. The Sanctuary has rescued captive born wild cats from over 29 states and 2 countries.
There are more than 10,000 captive wild cats in the United States under private ownership. Because these cats have been deprived of the ability to hunt and care for themselves, they cannot survive after being released into the wild. The Wildcat Sanctuary is fully equipped to provide scared and injured wild cats with the highest standard of care. The sanctuary is not open to public visitation out of consideration for the delicate emotional condition of many of the recently rescued cats.
Animal Support (animalsupport.org) is dedicated to addressing pet over-population and abuse by promoting charities working on behalf of animal well-being. The organization was founded by brothers Julian and Michael Omidi along with long-time friend Maria Abaca to advocate for animal protection, rescue, adoption, and spay and neuter laws. Animal Support does not accept donations but encourages direct contributions of money and talents to the charities and organizations featured on our website. For more information about Animal Support, send a message using the website’s Contact Us function, check out Animal Support on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.
Media Relations, Animal Support, http://www.animalsupport.org, 888-332-3555, [email protected]
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