With Launch of Second Platform, Association Forum of Chicagoland Reaps Additional Benefits from Dynamic Benchmarking Solutions
Windham, NH (PRWEB) January 30, 2014 -- Dynamic Benchmarking, a provider of dynamic online business benchmarking and reporting solutions, is pleased to announce the successful launch of another data collection and analysis platform for the Association Forum of Chicagoland. Based on member feedback InSight EZ will provide a simple, yet highly informative means of measuring and comparing the information technology and meeting planning practices of its member associations.
For nearly 100 years, Association Forum of Chicagoland has remained the definitive resource for tools and best practices in the field of association management for over 47,000 association professionals in the greater Chicago area. In support of that mission, the organization found it vital to provide its members with a means of comparing key performance indicators with that of their peers so that they may accurately measure performance, support business initiatives and identify best practices. In 2011, Association Forum contracted with Dynamic Benchmarking to build its first online benchmarking platform to collect and compare data on association meeting planner practices. The platform, dubbed InSight, was launched in May 2012 and provides participating organizations with the ability to compare key data points of its meeting planning activities with that of like organizations.
“Dynamic Benchmarking provided us with a means to formalize the ad-hoc conversations that were already happening between meeting planners,” comments Jason Wampler, Director of Information Technology for Association Forum. “By expanding these one-off conversations into an association-wide survey, we are now able to give our members solid, comprehensive data on which to base their business decisions rather than the anecdotal information on which many once relied.”
The meeting planner platform compares key data points on space utilization, audio-visual and food budgets, printing and marketing costs and much more all provided in a secure and anonymous manner. Through the use of customizable filters, users are able to generate reports which compare these key data points and are essential to identifying industry trends and best practices to inform and support their meeting planning activities.
In May 2013, Association Forum provided the same support for association information technology professionals by launching a new online benchmarking tool on their InSight platform to identify and measure best practices and trends in association technology implementation and practices.
“With this new tool from Dynamic Benchmarking we are now able to provide IT professionals with hard data to support their business decisions and budgetary needs, hard data based on organizations similar to their own,” continues Wampler. “Our IT professionals can now compare key performance indicators of their organizations with peers by budget, total members, and organization size, giving them a more accurate comparison than what was previously available.”
-- About Dynamic Benchmarking --
Dynamic Benchmarking is a women-owned software startup that brings business benchmarking into the 21st century using the latest in web-based technology and reporting functionality. We partner with professional associations and other organizations to offer Stack-Up™ to their members as a way of enhancing association value, contributing to member success, collecting industry trend data and creating non-dues based revenue. Stack-Up integrates our clients’ industry expertise and information needs into a benchmarking platform allowing their members to easily compare financial and operational performance against their peers in a dynamic and interactive manner. It offers the features and capabilities of custom software in a format that is easy and quick to deploy. With our exclusive focus on benchmarking, Dynamic Benchmarking builds solutions that are flexible and scalable across a wide breadth of industries, organizations and users. For more information, please visit http://www.dynamicbenchmarking.com.
-- About the Association Forum of Chicagoland --
Founded in 1916, the Association Forum of Chicagoland is the "association of associations" in Chicago representing over 47,000 association professionals from nearly 1,600 Chicago organizations. Association Forum is the definitive resource for learning opportunities that address the varied needs of association professionals as they advance in their association management careers. We provide an environment that engages the association community and industry partners and act as a trusted resource for tools and best practices in the field of association management. For more information, please visit http://www.associationforum.org.
MaryAnn Pfeiffer, Dynamic Benchmarking, LLC, http://www.dynamicbenchmarking.com, +1 (603) 661-4087, [email protected]
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