Xenia OH Alcohol Drug Rehab Announces New Intervention Services
XENIA, OH (PRWEB) April 20, 2014 -- Xenia OH Alcohol Drug Rehab is announcing that new intervention services are now available for adults and adolescents dealing with drug addiction issues in Xenia and surrounding cities.
The influx of drugs like cocaine, heroin, marijuana, opiates and others makes becoming addicted to them easier. Drug addicts are always looking for an easier way to get their daily dose, yet these people cannot see what actually is taking place.
An intervention in Xenia interrupts this path in an immediate and focused way. Calling on a professional interventionist is a first step toward bringing all the damage caused by the individual to their awareness. The intervention process starts with a professional meeting with parents and friends, listening to their stories of pain and anguish, and forming a picture of where the practicing addict currently is in his or her life. Then, the intervention plans are made by choosing the environment and time. They can take place either at a home or another location that would be considered neutral by the drug addict. When the intervention itself takes place, family and friends get an opportunity to clearly state their emotions and feelings around what damage and carnage the addict's behaviors and attitudes have done.
The addict may not like what he or she is hearing, and could leave the event as soon as it starts. But some addicts will truly listen, see tears of pain rolling down the faces of people they know and love, and understand what their drug addiction has cost them. The interventionist will have a list of consequences ready for the addict if they decide not to enter residential treatment immediately. Those might include loss of a car, loss of job, closed credit cards, and getting kicked out of their home.
The drug addict is clearly given a choice to make -- either continue taking drugs until life ends tragically or get help in residential treatment.
Click here for more information on Xenia OH Alcohol Drug Rehab. For a free consultation, call 937-204-1534.
Clint Jones, Xenia OH Alcohol Drug Rehab, http://alcoholdrugrehabohio.com/xenia/, 937-204-1534, [email protected]
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