Xulon Press Announces New Book Bringing to Light an Important Topic in the African-American Church
Colorado Springs, CO (PRWEB) August 17, 2017 -- Dr. Mark Kilyon Brown’s new book AIDS Church Tolerance Salvation ($14.99, paperback, 9781498457217; $7.99, eBook, 9781498457224) explains that initial response of the African- American Church to this preventable disease was late in coming and failed the show the Love of God to those effected as well as infected by HIV/AIDS. Just as the New Church began in the book of Acts, this book prayerfully will serve as a new beginning for the African-American Church Tolerance, Counseling and Acceptance of all in need of healing and salvation. The once Strong African-American Church must regain its place as the leader and pillar of the African-American Community. Understanding, education and Christian love must be shown to those seeking acceptance and understanding. It is only under the Guidance of the Holy Spirit, that the Church doors will once again be open and accepting of all who come to worship.
Brown writes, “The African-American Church steeped in tradition and modesty failed to recognize the spread of HIV/AIDS within the Church and the community. As a result, the Church was unable to help bring this epidemic under control. African-Americans make up only 12 percent of the population but have a higher percentage of those infected. The Church needs to address this topic before far too many more lives are lost to the disease.”
Dr. Mark Kilyon Brown has both a Bachelors and Masters in Religious Education and a PhD in Theology. He has made it his mission to educate those in the Church and the community as a whole to the effects of this disease and how easy it is to prevent. He likes to say "Know your Status, not Fear.” He has served as the Health Committee Chair as a member of the NAACP as well as a member of the southern Colorado AIDS Project.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order AIDS Church Tolerance Salvation through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Press Release, Salem Author Services, +1 866-381-2665 Ext: 1054, [email protected]
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