Xulon Press Announces New Release - Baylor in Northern Iraq During Operation Iraqi Freedom: Journeys to Dohuk For Higher Education, Democracy, and Voices for Survivors
Robinson, TX (PRWEB) December 22, 2016 -- In William A. Mitchell’s new book, Baylor In Northern Iraq During Operation Iraqi Freedom: Journeys to Dohuk For Higher Education, Democracy, and Voices for Survivors, ($15.99, paperback, 9781498487245; $7.99, e-book, 978149847252) readers will experience a remarkable story of how Baylor University educators and staff devoted their hearts and expertise to help international neighbors during Operation Iraqi Freedom. Within the pages of this deeply moving book, volunteer educators, both American and Canadian, journeyed five times into and out of Iraq to provide help with higher education teaching in a democratic society with the rules of law, and to capture oral histories of the human resilience and courage of Iraqi Kurds.
“I hope that the reader will sense our unselfish motives to step up during human made tragedies and help in any way possible.” There is always a need to help our neighbors, locally, nationally, and internationally. This story is different because of the unique challenges of sending a busload of civilian academics into a war zone and negotiating the threat verses our personal and university risk assessments.
Dr. Mitchell is Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Political Science Department, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. During two decades teaching he served as Director of International Education Center, holder of the Jo Murphy Chair, Director of Middle East Studies, Founder and Director of Baylor in Turkey, and Graduate Program Director in the Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies. Colonel Mitchell, USAF (Retired) served thirty-three years in the military including the Vietnam War and the First Gulf War.
Xulon Press, a division of Salem Media Group, is the world’s largest Christian self-publisher, with more than 12,000 titles published to date. Retailers may order Baylor In Northern Iraq During Operation Iraqi Freedom: Journeys to Dohuk For Higher Education, Democracy, and Voices for Survivors through Ingram Book Company and/or Spring Arbor Book Distributors. The book is available online through xulonpress.com/bookstore, amazon.com, and barnesandnoble.com.
Media Contact: William A. Mitchell
Email: bill_mitchell(at)baylor(dot)edu
Press Release, Salem Author Services, +1 866-381-2665 Ext: 1054, [email protected]
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