Yourwellness Magazine Details Cooling Foods
London, UK (PRWEB UK) 21 December 2013 -- For the first time since the event began, attendees at the Sam Houston State University’s annual Tree of Light Ceremony were treated to hot weather, The Houstonian reported December 4th. According to the article, “SHSU Tree of Light event goers treated to warm weather,” thanks to global warming, when hundreds of students, faculty and staff filled the mall for the winter holiday tradition, they did not have to endure the usual freezing temperatures as they had come to expect. SHSU President Dana Gibson, PhD, commented, ‘This is my fourth lighting of the tree ceremony and at every other one we’ve had a cold front and it’s been freezing. This is an awesome night in southeast Texas because we actually can enjoy it out here.’ (
With this in mind, Yourwellness Magazine detailed how ayurvedic foods can help during hot weather. Yourwellness Magazine noted, ‘Summer brings with it glorious sunshine that we look forward to for the majority of the year – unfortunately, this also means heat waves in certain parts of the world, which can be less than pleasurable. While fans and air conditioners are great, there are other methods which often get forgotten. The ancient art of Ayurveda has been tackling such problems for thousands of years, yet most of us turn to technology instead. There is something to be said for simple answers to these problems, though. Your diet, surprisingly, could hold the answer to your heat problems, leading you to cooling effects without much complexity.’ (
Yourwellness Magazine explained that, according to Ayurvedic tradition, there are three body types; Kapha dosha, Pitta disha and Vata dosha. Yourwellness Magazine noted that different foods affect these body types differently, and so seeking out foods that have thermogenic cooling or energetic cooling properties can help to cool the body. Yourwellness Magazine detailed that foods with thermogenic properties describe the actions found in iced drinks, smoothies and chilled juices. Energetic cooling, however, refers to when the liver’s pH level is alkalised by eating things which are above a score of seven on the pH scale. These foods include cooked spinach, Swiss chard and beet greens.
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Michael Kitt, Yourwellness Publishing Ltd,, +44 2085889553, [email protected]
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