Youth Flag Football Proves to Be A Safe Alternative To Tackle Football On California Beaches
Los Angeles, CA (PRWEB) October 28, 2013 -- Kids in Southern California now have the ability to enjoy competitive football without the dangers and risks associated with youth tackle football through the Sand Football League. Even though the Sand Football League is brand new, they are grabbing attention every day. The Sand Football League’s play focuses on fun with six-on-six co-ed teams that play with rules that have been adapted to provide spirited competition while still placing an emphasis on safe, low risk participation.
In its first year, the Sand Football League has rapidly gained a buzz amongst Southern California parents of children who are actually more interested in learning the sport of football than necessarily what the final score is.
Parents have been attracted to the Sand Football League’s youth flag football program not just because of the safety factor but also because of the Sand Football League’s ability to get their kids more playing time than they would receive in other leagues.
“It’s such a laid back environment, being on the beach and all, and we love that fact that these guys are geared towards teaching the kids, which is what it should be about at this age,” parent Kyle Morgan said. “It’s not just all about winning, it’s more about learning, not to mention that having elementary grade schoolers play tackle football is absolutely insane. Parents that do so should be tackled themselves.”
Morgan has had his eleven year old son enrolled with the San Football League since its inauguration.
Both coaches and parents involved in the Sand Football League all agree that teaching kids the game of football is the true reason that they’re involved with the league.
“Our main goal is to teach the kids sportsmanship and how to play the game of football, and creating lifelong memories” said Enrico “Bear” Bozman, one of the Sand Football League’s founders.
Teaching teens the game of football is one thing. Teaching 4th graders football is completely different.
The Sand Football League’s play will focus on fun with six-on-six co-ed teams that play will rules adapted to provide spirited competition while also placing the emphasis on safe, low risk participation. Adult teams will play on 60-yard fields with teams that must consists of at least two female players on the field at all times, and with a scoring system that provides bonus points for touchdowns scored by females. Youth players will compete in age appropriate divisions based on the players’ grade levels, beginning with a fourth-fifth grade level, and progressing to high school groupings. Information about registering as individuals or teams is available at
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