zBoost Presents Technology Guide to Keep Small Businesses Connected and Organized
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) July 31, 2013 -- zBoost, a leading provider of cell phone signal booster kits, showcased today
"Tips, Tools and Tech -- Guide for Staying Connected, Organized and Entertained". This free resource highlights tips, technologies and tools providing small businesses with insight into targeting the best technology to keep their business connected and say goodbye to the 'Dead Zone' and hello to the 'Mobile Zone'.
"Small businesses are always looking for ways to maximize their resources and in today’s mobile society, wireless technology is at the core of how they run their business. Recent reports show that more than two-thirds of small businesses believe it would be a major challenge to operate their business without wireless technology," said Sharon Cuppett, vice president of marketing for zBoost. "We see firsthand every day the impact of wireless technology on our small business customers. The Guide provides small businesses with a resource to explore solutions that streamline wireless technology across their business."
Small businesses must be able to work with emails, calendars, documents and multimedia seamlessly at the office and on the go. The Guide provides tips and tools and explains technologies that can help small businesses work faster and smarter including:
Devices such as smartphones and tablets: The options are endless and the benefits keep getting better. These mobile devices allow access to the same information as from a standard computer, but on the go. They also provide the ability to effortlessly connect professionally, socially and even mentally, ensuring efficiency through the logical tools they offer.
Tips: Homework before Buying a Device and Service
1. Know your carrier – Make sure that the carrier provides signal where you live, work and need access to a strong signal. No need to buy from a carrier, if your house sits in a dead zone.
2. Evaluate your needs and uses
a. Are you a heavy texter?
b. Do you work from home and make lots of calls?
c. Will you be using your phone to stay connected on the Internet?
d. Are you going to take lots of pictures and upload them?
e. Will you be mainly reading on your device?
3. Check Features taken for Granted
a. Battery life – varies across phones
b. Weight and size – Does it fit in my pocket? Does it fit in my purse? Does it matter?
c. Speaker – Check out a voice call – is it clear?
d. Camera – Do I need a flash? Dual camera mode? What size megapixels?
4. Create a grid and compares devices and match against your needs and carrier plans.
EXTRA TIP: Research by Pew Research Center shows 72% of cell owners experience dropped calls at least occasionally. Signal can be weakened depending on your location near the cell tower and by surroundings such as trees, buildings and terrain. So once you get home with your phone, you may find that your home office or certain rooms or even the entire inside of your house may be a dead zone. This can be remedied with a cell phone signal booster.
The complete zBoost product line consists of signal boosting technology for the home, office, car and commercial buildings. Units come kit complete with an easy set-up solution. All zBoost products protect the carrier network using patented technology.
The complete “Tips, Tools and Tech Guide” is available for download on the zBoost home page near the bottom or click here.
About zBoost
zBoost (http://www.zBoost.com), a leading provider of cell phone signal booster kits and manufacturer of the popular zBoost product line, developed zBoost, the first consumer-priced signal booster that “extended cell zones” for the small office/home office cell phone market. zBoost has expanded their “extending cell zone coverage” beyond consumers to corporate enterprises and large commercial applications and now includes the “DataBlast”, an LTE booster. The zBoost line provides a business-centric solution for improving poor in-door cell phone coverage domestically and internationally. The zBoost product line works with most carriers in the US and abroad including AT&T, Sprint, Vodaphone, Verizon and T-Mobile. The award-winning zBoost home and office solutions help today's connected consumers including iPhone, iPad, Android (DROID), BlackBerry, and smartphone users with dropped calls and slow data. They were awarded a 2007 and 2010 Consumer Electronics Association Innovations Honoree by the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA) and a 2011 and 2012 EXC!TE honoree and 2012 CE PRO’s Top 100 Technology Providers. They also were selected as a finalist for the 2007, 2009 and 2013 CTIA Emerging Technologies (E-Tech) Award. zBoost continues to develop innovative products to meet the demands of an increasingly wireless society by enhancing wireless signals.
Deanna Anderson, AquaPR, 4047591890, [email protected]
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