fishbat, A Leader in Online Marketing Companies, Analyzes Chinese Politician’s Trial By Social Media
Bohemia, NY (PRWEB) August 27, 2013 -- fishbat, one of the nation’s leading online marketing companies, responds to an article published on CNN about the trial of Bo Xilai, a senior politician in China, which was broadcast over the Internet.
According to an August 23rd article published by CNN titled “China: Bo Xilai Trial by Social Media,” China, a country that keeps most court proceedings private, let videos of a high profile trial leak onto the Web last week. As the Bo Xilai trial began, the Jinan court started releasing trial information and videos to its 10,000 followers on Weibo, a popular social media platform in China. While most social media interaction happens on Facebook and Twitter, many Chinese citizens use Weibo.
The article says Chinese citizens took to social media outlets to spread videos and information about the trial. By Friday morning, the article says the court’s Weibo account reached 330,000 followers.
The article says Justin Maas, vice president of client relations at fishbat, a leader in online marketing companies, says this is one of the first instances where China has allowed public viewing of private court trials. “This is a huge step for Chinese media and a good one,” Maas says. “The trial of Bo Xilai is very controversial. Citizens are able to watch pieces of the trial and get updates through social media almost immediately. It’s a great way to spread news and really get the public involved in what’s happening within their government.”
Maas says social media can be a great asset to governmental bodies. “China does not have to expose all of its proceedings, but the country can use social media to its advantage,” he says. “It can use social media to keep its people informed and educated on big news stories as it happens. Social media can be a great tool if used appropriately.”
fishbat, Inc. is a full-service online marketing firm and social media agency dedicated to connecting all types of businesses with their target audiences in the most effective and efficient way. Through innovative strategies in social media management, search engine optimization (SEO), branding, web design, reputation management and public relations, fishbat promotes a consistent and professional online voice for all of its clients.
Scott Darrohn, fishbat,, +1 (855) 347-4228, [email protected]
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